Klasse Bror Ida Lennartsson / Ingo Vetter
Die schwedische Künstler:in Bror Ida Lennartsson wird im Sommersemester 2024 die Klasse betreuen. Geplant sind mehrere Blöcke mit Einzel- und Gruppengesprächen, eine Exkursion nach Formine, Italien und ein Projekt zu „Sex work – … Weiterlesen...
8. März 2024 - Ingo Vetter
Bror Ida Lennartsson (*1982 in Sweden) will teach class during Summer term 2024.
Bror Ida Lennartsson understands sculpture as an extended narrative technique. They experiments with material and form in order to open them up as a physical and tactile form of expression of emotions beyond their usual contexts in the relationship between viewer and object. In the process, connections emerge between symbolic meanings, social values, and individual and societal readings that often address repressed sensations, rejection, and the treatment of the other.
“There is a certain kind of life here, one that is stripped bare of its skin, yet gently taken care of in the same moment. Fragility is exposed and responsibility is asked for”.