Kayle Brandon als Lehrvertretung in der Klasse

21. August 2020 - Ingo Vetter

Während meiner Amtszeit als Dekan wird es eine 50% Lehrvertretung in der Betreuung der Klasse geben. Ab dem Wintersemester 2020/21 wird Kayle Brandon, Künstlerin aus Bristol, diese Aufgabe übernehmen und eine Woche im Monat eine Blockveranstaltung anbieten. Termine werden auf dem Kalender angekündigt. Die übrigen Wochen werde ich wie gewohnt Plenum und Einzelgespräche anbieten.

Hier ein Artist-Statement:

Kayle Brandon is a inter-disciplinary artist situated in the public-social domain and working in regular collaboration and participation with other artists, communities and audiences. Her practice is process-led and centred in art and activism’s potential to create autonomous explorations into social and spatial relations that influence experiences of place and identity. Works often focus on interests in post-coloniality, social justice, open-source, ecology, interspecies relations and spaces of urban and natural entanglement.  Mediums include; performance, live events, time-based media, sculpture, drawing and writing.
Currently Brandon is working with Angela Piccini and other artists on a platform called Association of Unknown Shores, which involves artists, organisations, and communities based in Bristol UK and Iqaluit Nunavut to address the colonial legacies that continue to force the two places together. Their current work-in-progress, Our Sceptre, is a collaboration with Cleo Lake (artist and former Deputy Lord Mayor of Bristol) and Janet Pitsiulaaq Brewster (artist and Deputy Mayor of Iqaluit).

More information: http://irational.org/kayle/