25. Januar 2025 - Ingo Vetter
Klasse Ingo Vetter
Mein Forschungssemester ist vorüber und ich komme zurück an die HfK. Im Oktober werden die vier öffentlichen Kunstwerke eingeweiht, die im Reallabor Kunst am Bau entstanden sind. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Publikation „aktiv dran vorbei“ vorgestellt. Ebenso im Oktober wird ein Workshop mit Zafos Xagoraris stattfinden. Er ist Professor an unserer Partnerhochschule in Athen und beschäftigt sich mit dem performativen Wirken von Statuen im öffentlichen Raum. MAP – Month of Art Practice, unser Kooperationsprojekt mit Heritage Space Hanoi wird von Oktober bis Dezember in seine zweite Runde gehen, diesmal mit einem Fokus auf „Bewegung“. Ab Dezember dann die Vorbereitungen auf die Hochschultage, die in 2025 wieder im Winter stattfinden.
Jede/r sollte mindestens einen Termin buchen. Bereitet die Einzelgespräche bitte vor! Schickt mir spätestens einen Tag vor dem Gespräch Bilder und Videos von, oder eventuelle Texte zu den Arbeiten, die ihr besprechen wollt. Natürlich könnt ihr auch Skizzen und Beschreibungen von geplanten Arbeiten schicken.
Im Plenum geht es um die Präsentation eurer Arbeiten und das Sprechen über Kunst. Plant mindestens eine Präsentation im Semester ein.

Woche 05
Mittwoch 29.01.2024
Ingo: 10:00 – 13:00 Akademischer Senat
Einzelgespräche mit Ingo:
14:00 Ziti
15:00 _______
16:00 _______
Donnerstag 30.01.2025
10:00 – 13:00 Bibliothek Halle 2: Plenum mit Präsentationen von Florian & Quin
Einzelgespräche mit Ingo:
14:00 Nils
15:00 Alexander
16:00 _______
Woche 06
Montag 03.02.2025
Atelierplätze aufräumen und Halle ausräumen
Dienstag 04.02.2025
Atelierplätze aufräumen und Halle ausräumen
Mittwoch 05.02.2025
Atelierplätze aufräumen und Halle ausräumen
14:00 – 17:00 Bibliothek Halle 2: Plenum mit Planung Hochschultage
18:00 Auditorium: Vortragsreihe Freie Kunst: Josefine Reich
Donnerstag 06.02.2025
09:00 Galerie K‘: Jana Thiel
10:15 City 46: Noah Fritzsche
11:30 Dauerwelle: Jiale Wei
12:15 Dauerwelle: Siman Chen
14:00 Galerie Flut: Yunna Suh
Abends Eröffnungen
Freitag 07.02.2025
09:00 Halle 1: Isidora Bruna Ramirez
09:45 Halle 1: Florentine Christiansen
10:30 Halle 1: Mario Petry
11:30 Nebenflut: Hanna Stijnen
12:15 Kleine Flut: Ziti Xu
14:00 Auditorium: Bahareh Hejrankeshrad
Abends Eröffnungen
Woche 07
Montag 10.02.2025
10:00 Aufbau Hochschultage!
Dienstag 11.02.2025
10:00 Aufbau Hochschultage!
Mittwoch 12.02.2025
10:00 Aufbau Hochschultage!
Ingo: 09:00 – 13:00 Stuko Freie Kunst, 10:00 – 13:00 Akademischer Senat
Donnerstag 13.02.2025
Freitag 14.02.2025
09:30 Sicherheitsrundgang
18:00 Halle 1: Verleihung der Hochschulpreise und Eröffnungsparty
Samstag 15.02.2025
11:00 – 20:00 Hochschultage
11:00 Auditorium: Meisterschüler:innenvortrag
Sonntag 16.02.2025
11:00 – 16:00 Hochschultage
Woche 08
Montag 17.02.2025
Abbau & Aufräumen
Hier gibt es das vorläufige Programm des gesamten Wintersemesters.
17. Dezember 2024 - Ingo Vetter

Die Bremer Arbeitsgruppe hat 15 Postermotive zum Thema „Bewegung“ entwickelt, die nun an den Taschen des Lieferservice GHTK durch die Straßen Hanois fahren.
Beteiligte Künstler:innen: Kayle Brandon, Felix Dreesen, Jeroen Jacobs, Soobeen Woo, Alexander Noah, Siegfried Bank, Florian Witt
Mehr Information auf der Homepage des Heritage Art Space.
Organisiert von Ingo Vetter, Felix Dreesen und Phạm Út Quyên
Technische Unterstützung von Lê Hùng
Dokumentation von Nguyễn Minh Hoàng, Út Quyên, Thu Thảo
Gefördert von BMBF/FONA, Waldemar Koch Stiftung Bremen und GHTK Hanoi

2. Dezember 2024 - Ingo Vetter
Die Kurzfilme zu Kunst im öffentlichen Raum von Beatrix Schwehm sind nun online und können auf Vimeo angeschaut werden:
Konzept + Regie: Beatrix Schwehm
Kamera + Schnitt: Sebastian Funk
Sounddesign: Anders Wasserfall
Graphik: Christina Friesch/ Sebastian Funk
Kamera Korea: Jung Jai UK
© Beatrix Schwehm 2024
26. November 2024 - Ingo Vetter

Location: Long Bien Art Space, Fl.02 Mipec building, no.1 Long Bien st., Long Bien dist., Hanoi, Vietnam.

Date & Time: 18:00 – 20:00 (Hanoi time), Saturday, 30.11.2024

Free entrance.

Language: English, Vietnamese with interpretation support.
Heritage Art Space and artistic director Nguyễn Anh Tuấn are very pleased to invite you to the Opening of contemporary art showcase titled “GOING PLACES, MOVING THINGS”. This showcase is part of the Month of Arts Practice (MAP) 2024—a cornerstone project of Heritage Art Space, dedicated to supporting the development of contemporary art through creating spaces for experimental art, international exchange, and public outreach since 2015.
Annually, MAP has a specific theme that addresses current aesthetic and philosophical directions, inspiring artistic exploration and ultimately new artistic works by participants. Since 2023, MAP initiated a 3-year program to redefine and explore the theme of “Mobility” with artist-Prof Info Vetter, artists, and students at the Bremen University of the Arts (HfK Bremen). After the first year of working on new definitions of Mobility, it moves to the 2nd phase – MAP 2024 – which is named “Going Places, Moving Things”, to put those new approaches of phase 1 to the specific contexts and locations.
With MAP 2024, the public will have the opportunity to experience the „Open Studio“ model—a process-based showcase that diverges from the traditional end-of-project exhibition format. As an alternative experimental approach to interpreting Mobility, the Open Studio presents a space where artists remain actively at work, with pieces gradually taking shape and transforming day by day. This setup reveals the artists’ working environment, fostering an intimate and direct dialogue between the public and the creators. It intentionally blurs the boundaries of time and space between artwork and audience, as well as the interpretive conversations among viewers, artworks, and artists.
The artists’ final outcomes will be documented and presented in a centralized space in both Hanoi and Bremen, offering a comprehensive reflection on their collaborative exploration of Mobility.
MAP 2024 will have the participation of artists and art students in Germany and Europe, as well as Asian and Vietnamese artists and curators.
The artists participating in person in Vietnam include Higashikata Yuhei, Benjamin Sunarjo, Paulius Šliaupa, Laima Matuzonytė, Ngô Đình Bảo Châu, Nguyễn Vũ Hải, A Sông, ba-bau AIR, guest curator Moon-Seok Yi and guest art collective Baan Noorg. The group of art students and artists participating in Bremen consists of Jeroen Jacobs, Alexander Noah, Felix Dreesen, Kayle Brandon, Gunnar Zwisele, Soobeen Woo, Siegfried Bank, and Florian Witt.
The Month Of Arts Practice MAP 2024 is organized by Heritage Art Space in collaboration with Bremen University of the Arts (HfK Bremen) with the generous support of the Goethe-Institut, the Japan Foundation, BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research), FONA (Research for Sustainability) and Waldemar Koch Stiftung in cooperation with the Hanoi Creative Design Festival and Long Biên Art Space, in media companionship of Hanoi Grapevine and Artplas.
28. September 2024 - Ingo Vetter

Seit zwei Jahren beschäftigen wir uns mit der Kunst am Bau der Bremer Wohnungsbaugesellschaft GEWOBA. Zunächst mit einer Bestandsaufnahme bestehender Kunstwerke, die in einer Publikation zusammengestellt wurden, und dann mit Vorschlägen für neue Kunstwerke in den Großwohnsiedlungen. Vier Vorschläge von Studierenden werden als dauerhafte Werke realisiert.
Als erstes wurde „Fortschritt“ von Quin Maclennan in Huchting installiert.
Danach folgten die „Hasen“ von Kaori Tomita in Tenever.
Und „Look“ von Yuan Lin (Wendy) in Blockdiek.
Diese Woche abschließend „Pauline“ von Berit Riekemann in Bremerhaven-Lehe.
24. September 2024 - Ingo Vetter
Course programme winter semester 2024/25
Bi-weekly meetings during the winter semester, continuous exchange with professional artists from Europe and Asia, development of work sketches and artistic projects, excursion in mid-December.
MAP – „Month of Art Practice“ is an annual event organised by Heritage Space, an independent art space in Hanoi, Vietnam, where graduates of Vietnamese art academies meet with international artists to develop an exhibition together. As part of the research project „BreGoS – Bremen goes Sustainable“, the HfK is cooperating with Heritage Space and for three years the events will have a thematic focus on artistic perspectives on mobility.
In the project, a group of Bremen students will work together with professional artists on the topic of mobility and movement in particular and develop work sketches and artistic projects that can be realised during or after the end of the semester. In addition to meetings in Bremen, there will be a regular exchange via video conference with the colleagues in Hanoi.
Why and how are things, goods and people moved?
What artistic perspectives can/will we develop on this?
What artistic perspectives on mobility are there and what do we want?
As in the previous year, two international working groups will be formed on these topics in Bremen and Hanoi, which will meet bi-weekly during the winter semester of the HfK to exchange perspectives and working strategies, compare working concepts and put them up for discussion.
In Hanoi, a final exhibition is planned for the end of November; for Bremen, an excursion to the surrounding area lasting several days (mid-December) will mark the end of the project.
It will be two intensive months and you should have time to devote to the project. The number of participants is limited to 6 students in order to ensure a close exchange with the group in Hanoi. Online meetings to prepare for the exchange and international cooperation will take place during the lecture-free period on 22 August and 19 September at 11:00 am. Participation in these meetings is desirable and should be organised.
On the Bremen side, the 2024/25 project will be supervised by Felix Dreesen and Ingo Vetter, in Hanoi by Anh-Tuan Nguyen, the director of Heritage Space.
Information about MAP 2023, last year’s event on the homepages:
If you would like to take part in this course, please write a short and informal expression of interest by 20 August 2024, including examples of your previous artistic work at
felixdreesen@gmx.de and
24. September 2024 - Ingo Vetter
A workshop at HfK with Prof. Dr. Zafos Xagoraris from the Athens University of the Arts

An introduction includes historical examples of Avenues of Heroes, as well as cases of statues in motion. Avenues of Heroes exist in many countries and are routes along which statues, or busts of figures associated with the local history are placed. Sculptures like these or others are sometimes withdrawn due to political changes, moved for emergency reasons, or demolished.
Students are asked to design, or choose any object, gesture, mechanism, or sound. This set of ephemeral monuments could be installed outdoors or moved a short distance in a kind of suggestive procession. The successive images create a narrative, while a certain distance in the urban environment becomes a temporary inscription.
The course/workshop encourages students to discuss the relationship between history and contemporary artistic creation, the institutional role of art and its critique, and the expected or unexpected positions of artworks in the city.Zafos Xagoraris’s personal interpretations are presented, while students are invited to position themselves according to their personal work and research.
Zafos Xagoraris‚ artwork includes drawings, outdoor sound installations and reconstructions focusing on details of historical events. He has participated in exhibitions such as the 58th Venice Biennale, documenta14 (Athens and Kassel), the 4th Athens Biennale, Manifesta 7, the 1st Thessaloniki Biennale and the 27th São Paulo Biennial. He was one of the curators of the 2nd Athens Biennale and the 9th Venice Architecture Biennale. Zafos Xagoraris holds a Master’s degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, while his PhD thesis at the School of Architecture of the NTUA refers to the construction of miracles by Hero of Alexandria. He is a Professor at the Athens School of Fine Arts.
Workshop dates 23-25 October 2024 at Halle 2, Speicher XIA
Wednesday, 23. October 2024 from 2pm until 5pm – lecture and introduction to the topic
Thursday, 24. October 2024 from 10am until 1pm – propose objects, or elements related to your work and research
Friday, 25. October 2024 from 10am until 1pm – finalize the projects and temporary installation outdoors
Here are some pictures from the final presentation: